Looking for prices ?
Nj Pool Patcher llc can help you with your questions about prices in New Jersey.
We can also offer other information related to Leak Detection as well :
- Inground pool leak detection
- Liner swimming pool leak detection
- Pressure testing swimming pools
- Spa Pressure testing
- Pool diving w/ underwater pool repair
- Pin pointing underground pipe leaks

NJ Pool Patcher
Still looking for prices ?
We are only a swimming pool leak detection company, and take care of only leaks. we do not service pools, open or close swimming pools. Servicing pumps or pool filters within Monmouth or Ocean county of new jersey is not a pool service that we offer. We are located on the Atlantic coast of the American soil offering leak detection for swimming pools.
Pool Leak Detection and Leak Repair
Swimming pool leak detection and pool leak repair by NJ Pool Patcher (NJPP Leak Detection), offers top leak detection services for pools in NJ and within the monmouth and ocean counties.
Location for our leak detection :
- Atlantic Cost of NJ on the American Soil Pool LEAK DETECTION