• Pool Leak Detection

  • Pool Leak Repair

  • Where is my pool leak

    If you determine that your pool is losing water, turn off the filtration system and note where the water stops dropping. Vinyl Liner pools need to have water in them at all times! Stop this test if you have a liner pool and the water level is dropping rapidly. Start adding water and call us.

    • If the pool leak stops below your return or filtration lines 99.9 % its in your liner.
    • If the water stops at the light, the leak is probably at the light housing.
    • If the water drops below the light, then there may be a leak in the drain at the bottom the pool.
    1. Note that many leaks are not detectable using the suggestions below. Now it's time to call a professional! Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, most pool or spa leaks can be found and repaired without major disruption. We use electronic state of the art leak detection that is the newest technology to date.
  • Pool Leaks

    It's natural for your pool to lose some water to evaporation, some to splash out, and some to back washing your filter. But if you routinely need to add more than two inches of water to your pool per week, you may have a leak. Uh oh, right? Not so fast. Before you call us, please make sure you have a leak!

    • Are there any leaks at the equipment pad? Look closely at the filter, pump, heater and the pipe valves.
    • Are there any wet areas around the pool? Check the ground for moisture. Walk around the pool, and by the pool and the equipment. Check for wet soil and sunken or eroding areas.
    • Do you have a vinyl liner pool? Look for tears or separations around all the fittings, skimmers, returns, cleaner line, lights, steps and the corners.
    • Mark the water level of the pool at the skimmer. Use a piece of tape or grease pencil to mark the water level. Check the mark 24 hours later. Your pool should lose no more than 14 inch (0.6 cm) per day. Otherwise, a leak is indicated.
    • Place a bucket filled with pool water on a pool step (weight it with a rock or brick). Mark the water level on both the inside and the outside of the bucket. Make sure the water levels are the same inside the bucket as the pool water level outside the bucket. Check the mark 24 hours later. If there's a greater drop in the line on the outside of the bucket, a leak in the pool is indicated. This test needs to be conducted with the pump on, then again with the pump off.
  • We are here to help

    If you have a strong feeling you need a pool leak repair , then please don't hesitate to contact us .