• Pool Leak Detection

  • Pool Leak Repair

  • Finding A Pool Leak



    In many cases pool owners are left to try to find a leak in their pool on their own. Some pool owners may have tried to hire a company to look into the problem unsuccessfully, while others may have already paid for leak detection services but the pool is still leaking. At the end of the day the responsibility of the pool rests squarely on the owner of the pool. If you have a leak in your pool then it needs to be fixed. You should not continue to operate a pool with an active leak, nor should you drain your pool if it is leaking as this can often make the situation much worse. This is the kind of situation that gives pool owners nightmares. A leak in a pool is almost certainly causing additional damage to other components of the pool and can even cause damage to adjacent buildings, your property, or your neighbors property. Hopefully this is not the case for you. Hopefully you found a local leak detection company that is great to work with, is affordable, and is efficient at finding and fixing your leak. Unfortunately for most pool owners who have discovered a leak the process will not be this smooth if an unexperienced company was hired.